Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

It's been a really dreary day. Not quit as hot as it has been and it's looked like rain all day. We went to the library and took back some books and then went to pick up some Rx's and then went to visit Terry's best friend that is in the hospital. They can't figure out what's wrong with him. He's short of breath and has no energy and one Dr. says it's his heart and the other says it's his lungs. They've run all sorts of test and now he has to wait till Monday and they are going to run an angiogram just to make sure he doesn't have any blocked artery's, but I'm betting he does. Sure seems to have all the symptoms. Anyway Terry and I haven't been feeling quite too well either but I think it's just this stupid weather and tomorrow it's supposed to go up to 94. Yippee. Glad we got out today cause tomorrow we'll go to church and that's about it. I can't take that kind of heat. Well have a nice weekend all.

1 comment:

Yobeeone said...

The heat has been awful. The other day it was 103 here in the shade! My poor little a/c is having a hard time keeping up. :[