Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Evening

I'm sitting here watching the Bachelorette on TV so I thought I'd write in my blog while I watch. We had a very busy weekend going to two graduation party's and by the time we got home Sunday evening we were both exhausted. It's amazing how being social with people is so tiring and going to those two parties really tired me out. We found out when we got home that our daughter Patti finished her first triathlon on Sunday and I am so proud of her. It was a 5 mile canoe race, a 5 mile run or walk and a 16 mile bike ride and she did it with some friends and some neighbors and they all 10 finished except one and they had a blast. When we got home a bunch of them were across the street celebrating and we went over and gave them all big hugs. It was so great and we are so proud of them all. They are all in their early 30's and late 30's so I'd say that's quite and accomplishment especially for Patti who has had 8 knee surgeries and finally a complete knee replacement. She is quite the exercise nut. I wish I had half her enthusiasm. I have to really push myself to exercise. I was lucky today Patti and I got asked over a neighbors to go swimming and I do love to swim. I really enjoyed that and it felt so good to swim and exercise in the pool. I loved it. May I should look into joining the Y. ???

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