Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well my other post has been there since early Thursday and no one has commented. Hum, I wonder why?? Other's have written their blogs daily and I have commented on them. I hope it's not something I've said. I'm sorry if it is. I haven't meant to offend any one.

I am so disgusted with myself. I weigh the same as I have for 2 or 3 years but it's all around my middle and allot of my jeans and carpi's from last year don't fit, and because of my rib problem I can't do much in the form of exercising for fear of that problem starting up. So I'm going to try and lose some weight, I guess. I'm really going to try and watch what I eat and see if I can drop maybe 10 pounds or so. It sure would be nice if I could. Wish me luck. I don't feel like I eat that much now but I guess I eat the wrong things sometimes.
Today we have a graduation party to go to and tomorrow another one. That should be real helpful on a diet. lol . I'll be glad when this weekend is over. Have a nice weekend all.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

This is Jake, Terry and I. Terry says I have my camera on some sort of wrong setting because all our faces look flat.

There's our new patio set. We've been getting allot of use out of it as the chairs are so comfortable for reading and whatever else you want to do. I'm really loving it. So much nicer than just having a picnic table.
Last nice we went to our Grandson Jake's graduation from the 8th grade. They had a Mass and Awards ceremony and a breakfast for the parents in the morning and then last night they had a ceremony for the grandparents and other family members and handed out their diploma's. It was very nice and then afterwards there was a party for all the students in the cafeteria. The students were all dressed up in suits or sports coats and nice dresses and heels and they looked so grown up. Jake looked so grown up, he look like a man and not like a boy. They had to get him a size 44 sport coat which I think is pretty big. Jake is the one who is so into history and so much like Terry. He could become anything he wants to, he is so smart and has such a great mind. He won a $2,000.00 scholarship to high school and we are just so proud of him. We can't wait to see what he does with his life as an adult. (I hope I live that long) His parents are always getting compliments on what a nice kid he is. His class went on a trip to Washington DC and the chaperons all said Jake was the most interested in things they saw of all the students and that he even explained things to the other kids. We are just so proud of him. He's just a good kid and so well rounded. Sorry for going on so long.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday May 27th My Garden

Here's a picture of my little garden, or as I call it my little piece of heaven. It's mostly perennials but then I or we add some annuals each year to fill in. The peony's are over 50 years old and were brought with us from every house we lived in and originally came from Terry's Mom's house. Right now the peony's are just starting to bloom in the back of the garden and the iris are just about finished and the dutch iris are still blooming. The daffodil's bloomed earlier in the spring and the every blooming roses are just starting to bloom and then I have day-lilies that will bloom all summer too as will the red petunia's that we planted so we will have color all season. We also have a clematis climbing the fence that hasn't bloomed yet. Then I have 2 mums in there for the fall also, so there is color for every season. It's not very big, but it's just enough for me to take care of and Terry helps. This picture isn't very bright either so you can't see too well.

We had a very nice Memorial Day weekend. Terry and I relaxed on the patio and did a lot of reading over the weekend and Patti and family came over on Sunday for dinner and then on Monday we went over Michael's home for dinner and spent a nice evening out on their patio with his family, so we got to see both families over the holiday which made it very nice.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Monday May 26th, 1908

Please click on the Heart!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


No special plans for the weekend. Terry is setting up our new patio set today and I'm hoping our neighbor takes our picnic table soon and gets it out of our way. They said they would like to have it. I hope they haven't changed their minds. Terry wants to power wash the patio first. It will be so nice to have a comfortable chair to sit in out there and some shade from the umbrella. I'm looking forward to being able to do some reading outside. We may take in a grand-kids ball game some time this weekend and maybe do some grilling but that's about it. We'll be sticking cl0se to home most of the weekend. Happy Holiday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday May 21st

Yesterday Terry and I did a little shopping around and went to the library. The lady at the library was such a help to both of us. She made a copy of all the James Patterson Books, so that now I won't have to keep asking them which book comes next in a series as I have them all on this sheet of papers. All his books and all the different series that he's written so far, so I can check off and keep track of the ones I've already read. She did the same thing for Terry for 2 of his favorite authors. No one has every offered to do that before and we really thought that was nice of her. This is at our new and huge main library and we are really loving it. Next we stopped up the shopping center so I could get a Vera Bradley Hipster purse to match my wallet and glass case I got for Christmas, so I can carry it across my shoulder. I hate carrying purses with my cane, sometimes it's just too much so this was part of my Mother's Day present. Next we went to Sam's to look at a patio set. We found one we loved, now we just have to find someone to take our picnic table. The picnic table is nice, but I really wanted a table with chairs that I could just come out and sit in and didn't have to swing my leg over, which is hard for me to do. I'll take a picture once we get it set up. Next we met our friends for dinner, over in Cincinnati, so we had a full day. We got home just in time for me to watch American Idol. I'm hoping the young David wins. I like his type of singing better than David Cooks. David Cooks is really good though. Then I watched the finals of Dancing w/ the Stars and I was glad to see that Kristie won that. I've always like her, even when she skated.

Today I'm doing laundry and going to the grocery, going for a walk and a few other things too. Might even stop back up the library as they ordered some books for Terry, so I'll probably pick them up while I'm out. Glad these places are all close. Looks like we're finally going to have some sunny days for a change. I just might sit outside and read. Hugs to all.

Monday, May 19, 2008

What a weekend. Saturday we went over, no that on was Friday that we went over to see Jonathan after his surgery. We actually meet them for late lunch early dinner. Jonathan had a patch on his eye and looked tired but he ate pretty much cause he wasn't allowed to eat since the nite before and this was about 3 in the afternoon. After we ate we stopped back at their house and got to see all the rest of the kids. It was a nice afternoon. The doctors are hopeful that he will have better vision in his eye but we still don't know yet. He goes back to the doctor today and as of today his eye is still a bit blurry.
I guess Saturday we did nothing and yesterday we went 45 miles north near Kings Island (near our old house) to watch our one grandson, Jared play a double header baseball game. Won one, lost one, but I can't remember being that cold in a long time. It was very windy and very cold out yesterday and I about froze my tush off. Afterward we meet our old neighbors for dinner since we were so close to them and that was great. It was so nice to see them. It had been way to long since we'd seen them. We got home just in time for me to watch Desperate Housewife's and the news and then I tried reading for a while but was too sleepy and couldn't do it. All that wind and cold really must have taken it out of both Terry and I cause we didn't wake up till almost noon today. Shame on us. I just took my walk and had to cut it short as it started raining. I'm sick of cold and rain. What happened to SPRING??? I want it back.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday May 16. 08

Today is the day Jonathan , my grandson is having his eye surgery. We are awaiting a phone call as I type. They are going in and trying to release some scar tissue so that he has more eye movement in the eye that he had facial surgery on years ago. Please say a prayer that it works. He so wants it to work so that it enables him to see better especially when he's playing sports and things. Jonathan is the one who pushed for this surgery, so I pray it works for him. He is 17 now and very aware of his looks. I am so nervous about them going into his eye though. It just scares me. It's supposed to be out patient surgery and we should have heard by now, so it's really scaring me. We intend to go see him this afternoon. Please say a prayer for him. Thanks and Hugs.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nothing much going on here and it's very cloudy here and rain is headed our way. Am fixing a roast for dinner and mashed potatoes. Did some small things around here and now I really have nothing to do. I could do some ironing. Yuck. Forget it. I hate to iron but since we finally found the iron I guess I'll have to do it sooner of later. Later sounds good. Oh maybe I will do it. Nothing else to do. Guess maybe I'll grin and bear it. Ugh. Terry's really better at it then me, if I let it go long enough, he'll do it. That's terrible, isn't it. OK, so I'll do it. Bye.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What a beautiful day it is out, so why am I in here running the sweeper. I don't know!! Stupid I guess. I enjoyed chat this morning, Everyone was there for a change. I wish Randy and Katy would get a blog here, especially Katy since she would really write something. Come one Katy!! Well when I was running the sweeper I found ants in the kitchen, so I had to empty the cabinet under the sink as that seem to be where they were coming from. Afterward Terry came and helped me wipe it out good and spray and then put things back. He also sprayed from outside too. I sure hope that works. They are those real tiny ones. Well I'm finished running the sweeper but I'm awfully tired and have nothing planned for dinner, so I'm not sure what we will do. Hopefully go out but I'm not sure I even want to. I'm pretty tired. I'd love to get out to enjoy this weather as it's suppose to rain the rest of the week. Maybe after I rest awhile I'll have enough energy to go for a walk. I hope you all enjoyed this day. Hugs.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday 5/12/08

The sun is shining and it looks like a great day. The rain is past thank goodness. I think it rained all day yesterday, but I had a nice Mother's Day any way. We went to Mass that our one grandson served and then went out to breakfast and then came home and had a nice afternoon and then we went over our son's for dinner. It was so nice and all the kids were so well behaved and the steaks were so good that we had for dinner and cheese cake for dessert. The whole evening was nice. They gave me this huge hanging planter that's beautiful. Our daughter gave me a gift certificate for my favorite place to eat too. Terry gave me all my flowers he helped me plant and then a dozen roses too. All in all I had a wonderful Mother's Day and early this morning Alan left to go home so Terry and I are taking it easy today and are doing some catching up on our reading.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday 5/9/08

Yes it's Friday and for now it's not raining, but it's heading our way again. Maybe I'll try to beat it and get out and go for my walk. Not much going on around here. Alan is still here and tonight we're going to go to Cheddar's for dinner cause he's never been there. One nice thing, since he's been here we have been going out to dinner allot which is really nice for me. He's got some restaurant cards he's trying to use up and he's using them on us. Really nice for us. Don't have many plans for over the weekend except for on Mother's day, we have been invited over our son's house for dinner. That will be nice. Well I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers. Hugs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday 5/7/08

We've had some wonderful weather days and now they are calling for rain again later today and tomorrow. Oh well it was nice while it lasted. We've been sort of busy around here. Sunday was 1st Communion, which was really nice and then Terry's cousin (Alan) arrived from Florida to stay with us for a week or so and we've been busy entertaining him. Yesterday we spent the day planting flowers. I told Terry I wanted some red Petunias, and he came home with 2 flats of them. Well that's 54 plants in each flat. That's one heck of a lot of plants to plant, 108. Well I just about died just thinking about planting all of them. Well thank goodness Terry decided to help me and we planted one flat in the back in my small garden around the tree and the rest we planted around the lamp post in the front and a few up nearer to the house. If these all spread out we are going to have wall to wall petunias and a sea of red flowers. Today I'm sore from bending and planting and my arms are sore too. So today I'm doing laundry and changing bed linens and we're going out to dinner. Hope everyone is doing well. Hugs.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yep, it's raining again. I hope it rains itself out before tomorrow as one of our grandson's makes his First Communion tomorrow and afterward they are having the whole family over for a party to celebrate and are hoping for nice weather. This is Patti's youngest Adam and he is growing like a weed. Today I am making cookies and a cauliflower salad for tomorrow. The cookies are at Adams request. He loves my chocolate chip cookies. We finally were able to take the spaghetti dinner over to Alex yesterday. They were going to have it for dinner last night. He seems to be doing real good since his surgery. He's now supposed to take it easy for 3 months and that's going to be the hard part. Well I'm off to eat breakfast and then make my cookies and salad. Have a nice weekend all. Hugs.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday May 1st

Wow I can't believe it's May 1st already. Where did the first part of the year go to. We've had a nice last couple of days, but now it's supposed to rain and get colder again. Our grandson is doing well after his surgery on his back last Saturday. He's still in pain but he's getting up and around some. I spent one day this week making spaghetti and meatballs for him and but I still haven't been able to get it over to him. Maybe tomorrow. Today I ended up going with Terry to the doctor. He's got me worried to death. He has blood in is urine. They took a sample and tested it and are also sending it out for more tests that they can't do. The doc examined him pretty good and he thinks it's a kidney or urine infection. He's put him on a heavy duty antibiotic and Terry has to go back in three weeks to get checked out again. It has me worried that it might be something to do with his prostrate. The doctor said to wait until the next visit to see, he explained why to us, but I can't explain it all to you. Anyway, I'm worried.