Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nothing going on. Just haven't felt like doing much. Just kind of down. Guess it's that time of year or something. Spent on whole day in bed the other day. Terry did talk me into going out for lunch yesterday but then I wanted to come home. Guess I'll read today.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Baby it's cold outside, and I'm staying in. I started a new book yesterday and ended up reading half of it. It's a James Patterson mystery and I love his books. I got three of them the last time we went to the library and this is the third one and it's due on Monday so I've got to get it finished by then. Not much going on. Been doing some cleaning and going to cook a pork roast today. Well take care and have a nice weekend. It's supposed to get a bit warmer, so maybe I'll be able to get out for something. I don't know what, but maybe for something. Hugs.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's Cold!!! Burr!! I'm not going any where until it gets somewhat warmer. The highest it's getting today is about 15 degrees and that just to cold for this little lady. So I'll be staying in and reading, playing on the computer and watching TV. I've been watching American Idol and I can't believe that some of people that try out actually think they can sing. It's good for a couple of laughs though. There's nothing much good on TV right now everything is repeats unless you like watching the reality shows. Some are OK, but I'm not much into them. I did like Amazing Race, but that's over now, and I so like Biggest Looser sometimes too. But a good book is always a better bet. Well I made a pot of chili today and I'm getting hungry so I think I'm going to go get dinner ready. It's about that time. Hugs.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here's a picture of my granddaughter Lindsey in her one costume's from the dance competition last Saturday when I went. That's her mom standing next to her but I didn't get her in the picture. lol. Wasn't interested in her. lol. Not much going on lately. Sunday we went to Larosas's to celebrate our one grandson's 13th birthday and that was fun, but since then nothing has been going on. Yesterday we did nothing and today Terry took the van to get two estimates on what it would cost to get the dent on the door fixed so we can send them back to Wal-Mart and then hopefully get it fixed from where one of their carts came crashing into my door. They told us to get two estimates an send them back to them. Well that's about it, nothing else going on. We did get a dusting of snow today and the kids didn't have school. Couldn't believe that. Well have a nice day. Hugs.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's 7 degrees here. It looks beautiful out with the sun shining, but it's deceiving as I know it's freezing out there. We have to go celebrate one of our grandson's birthday's today. He turned 13 this past week. I'm not sure were we are going to celebrate his birthday, they haven't told us yet, but wherever we go, I'm sure we'll have a fun time.
Yesterday I spent the day with my daughter in law at a dance competition that my granddaughter Lindsey was in. She is 9 or 10 and I've been wanting to see her dance for a long time and I finally knew where this competition was so I went. It was really fun to watch. They competed twice. She belongs to a team of about 15 girls and they dance to music that plays. They use pom poms and every thing. It's really cute and Lindsey did really well. I think they are aspiring to be Millie Cyrus or something. lol. It wasn't the type of dancing I had expected but it was really cute. I really enjoyed my day. I saw a high school group compete and they were really good. My daughter would have loved to get into something like this when she was young, but they didn't have this sort of thing when she was young. Afterward, when I got home Terry and I went to church to Mass and then to Taco Bell for dinner and then home to watch TV for the evening.
Hope you have a nice Sunday. Hugs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today I'm driving down to an outlet mall which is about 1 hour south of us. We bought our one grandson a pair of jeans for Christmas and they are too big and I need to exchange them and today is his birthday (he'll be 13) so I thought what better day to take a ride and exchange them so I can give them back to him. Terry is busy in the basement, so I'm going to be on my way. I like shopping by myself anyway. It will give me a chance to look around a bit by myself. It's a small outlet mall, so I won't be there long. I'll just exchange the jean's, look around some and then head back home. Probably only be gone a few hours or more. I'll listen to talk radio on the way down and back so that will keep me company and it's all expressway so it will be a nice easy drive. Well I guess I should be going. Have a nice day. Hugs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We had a wonderful evening last night. Olive Garden was nice but I don't think the food was as good as usual. Both Terry and I said we thought the food was a bit on the tasteless side. It needed to be spiced up a bit. I had the lasagna and Terry had Chicken Parmesan. The salad and bread sticks were delicious as usual and the company was great. Afterwards we all came back to our house for brownies with ice cream and hot fudge and whip cream on top. It was a great evening.

Today we have nothing planned during the day but at 4:45 we both are going to help our daughter out. Our son-in-law is out of town and the grand kids have places they need to be, so we are their drivers. I'm taking Tyler to basketball practice and Terry is taking Jared to his basketball game and Patti is taking Adam to church for his first reconciliation. So the kids have a busy night and Patti can't be in three places at once so we're helping out. They are lucky they have two sets of grandparents that can help out when Greg goes out of town which is fairly often. The other set of grandparents help out allot too. They are very involved with the kids too. They are great folks. In fact Mike is coming over to help Terry tomorrow. He's been a big help to Terry. Well that's about it for today. Hugs.

Monday, January 14, 2008

It's been a busy morning. We found out that the group we usually met for dinner is going to come our way for dinner and then come back to our house for dessert, so I've been busy cleaning up a bit and making brownies. Now I'm resting a bit before I go to the grocery. I need to get a few things. I had planned on going there before I knew they were coming but now I need to get a few extra things like ice cream and fudge topping and whip cream. It's been awhile since they been over, so they will get to see our big screen TV and our new console that it sits on and they will also get to see how far Terry has progressed in the basement too. We are meeting them at Olive Garden at 5:30 and then we will come back to our house after dinner. It will be a nice evening.
Yesterday we went to Church and then spent the rest of the day vegging out. We watched TV, read and relaxed all day. It was very nice. Well I guess I've rested enough, so I guess I'll get up and go to the grocery. Have a nice day all. Hugs.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Sun is shinning today and it's 35 degrees out so it's a bit cooler out, but at least the sun is shinning. Today I think we might go across the river to Ohio and see our son and his kids and maybe watch some of their soccer or basketball games. Michael is supposed to call me back and let me know the times of the games and the places of the games. I'm looking forward to seeing some of kids as we haven't seen them since before Christmas and I miss them. We will probably end up having dinner with them at Willies sometime in the late afternoon. Willies is a sports bar and has really good food and we always have a good time there with all the kids. Well hope you all have a nice weekend. Hugs.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Yesterday I went with my daughter Patti, and we met her friend, and our neighbor of across the street from us when Patti was growing up, for lunch. We had a nice lunch and we got all the news about all their old friends from grade school and high school. It was great fun catching up and great to see Dana. She and Patti had always been so close, almost like sisters but have drifted apart a bit lately but still stay in touch. We did a little shopping afterward and then on the way home picked up Patti's oldest from school and then picked up Terry something for dinner, so I wouldn't have to fix him something.
Today I am finally running the sweeper. I never did get around to it. So I'm stuck running the sweeper and doing some laundry at the same time today. Usually do that on different days. Right now I'm on one of my brakes and I'm resting so I'm writing this.
It was nice watching TV last night and not having repeats. Grays Anatomy's was good and so was ER. But I guess they go back to repeats next week. Writers still on strike. They should get new writers or come to an agreement. It's been long enough already. Well back to work for me. Hugs. I forgot to tell you that I've been able to get Winnie on the Treadmill. Yes, I've now got her walking on the treadmill. I hold the leash tight and turn it on and she actually walks on it. Not real fast , but so far I've only had her walk for about 5 minutes, but I plan on increasing it a bit every day so she'll get some exerise. I've seen the guy on TV do it, so I thought I'd try it and she's doing real well. I'm so proud of her.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We had lots of strong winds and rain last night. Felt like the house was going to blow away. But it didn't and today the sun is shining and it's about 40 degrees and very nice out.
Last night we went out to dinner with our usual friends that we go out with on Monday but couldn't so we did it on Tuesday. We hadn't seen them since before Christmas and we'd missed them. On the way home it really started pouring down rain hard. I hate having to drive in that kind of rain but we made it home. Then we had to listen to is at home.
Today I'm going to walk the treadmill and then run the sweeper. Fun right! Terry has Patti's FIL over helping him put up the final sheets of dry wall on the ceiling of his workshop. Then he's going to swirl the ceiling. Once that's done Terry will be able to start putting the finishing touches on his shop and start putting it together and start painting everything.
Well off to do my thing for the day. Hugs.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Forgot to mention that I went to Wal Mart and while there one of their carts blew right into the side of my Van and made a nice dent in the passenger side door. I was lucky because another customer saw it and reported it. It also happened to her car. It was very windy out yesterday. Well they took a report and said that we should be hearing from their insurance company in a few days, so we shall see. It's a nice size dent, so I hope they pay for getting it fixed.


Still have the black eye but am feeling much better from my fall. Terry's elbow is still sore to the touch but is doing better too. Not much planned for today. Will probably change the bed linens and do some laundry and clean up a bit. Have a nice day.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Yesterday was not a good day for either Terry or I. We both fell and hurt ourselves. Terry fell in the basement and landed on his elbow on the hard cement. His elbow immediately blew up and swelled and got really sore. I just hope he didn't chip or crack a bone.

Then I fell off a chair when I was dusting the air vents and landed all twisted up on the floor of the kitchen on my face with my glasses flying and all twisted up. My eye is black and blue and my knee and elbow are sore from where I must have landed on them. We have to go to get my glasses fixed today as they are all mangled up. I'm sore all over. I also fell yesterday coming up the driveway to. I'm not safe anywhere. Think I need some bubble wrap.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Well I decided to make a new blog here anyway. 360 is screwing up too much and who knows when it will be fixed. So here I am. Hope somebody finds me. If not I'll just write to myself. Yesterday I spent the day paying bills and checking my last months receipts against my bill from my credit card companies. I pay some bills by phone and am trying to get some paid by check withdrawal. I'm trying to make it easier on myself. My handwriting is really bad anymore. I shake so bad when I write that it's hard to read when I write a check so I'm trying to get away from writing so many checks. I'm getting there. After paying bills Terry and I went to Taco Bell for dinner and then went to one of our grandsons basketball games. It was a good one. Tight to the end and they lost it by two point. Hard one to loose. Jared played a really good game though. Read and watched TV in the evening. Nice day. Hugs to whoever is out there.