Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

It's been a really dreary day. Not quit as hot as it has been and it's looked like rain all day. We went to the library and took back some books and then went to pick up some Rx's and then went to visit Terry's best friend that is in the hospital. They can't figure out what's wrong with him. He's short of breath and has no energy and one Dr. says it's his heart and the other says it's his lungs. They've run all sorts of test and now he has to wait till Monday and they are going to run an angiogram just to make sure he doesn't have any blocked artery's, but I'm betting he does. Sure seems to have all the symptoms. Anyway Terry and I haven't been feeling quite too well either but I think it's just this stupid weather and tomorrow it's supposed to go up to 94. Yippee. Glad we got out today cause tomorrow we'll go to church and that's about it. I can't take that kind of heat. Well have a nice weekend all.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Well I hope someone tries to comment on my posts as I checked and double checked my settings again and I've even copied off of Lois's, so they surely should be right now. Took a walk yesterday and it was too hot and I got home and it about did me in and I was no good for the rest of the day. Learned my lesson, today I will walk the treadmill. It's supposed to be up in the 90's for quite a number of days so I don't plan on going anywhere that we'll be outside for any amount of time. No plans anyway so guess we'll just stay home. Have a nice weekend all.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday 3:00 pm

I have done everything I can. I've even gotten a new template and I've gone over my settings and double checked my settings and I can find no reason why people cannot comment on my blog. I give up. HELP!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Evening

I'm sitting here watching the Bachelorette on TV so I thought I'd write in my blog while I watch. We had a very busy weekend going to two graduation party's and by the time we got home Sunday evening we were both exhausted. It's amazing how being social with people is so tiring and going to those two parties really tired me out. We found out when we got home that our daughter Patti finished her first triathlon on Sunday and I am so proud of her. It was a 5 mile canoe race, a 5 mile run or walk and a 16 mile bike ride and she did it with some friends and some neighbors and they all 10 finished except one and they had a blast. When we got home a bunch of them were across the street celebrating and we went over and gave them all big hugs. It was so great and we are so proud of them all. They are all in their early 30's and late 30's so I'd say that's quite and accomplishment especially for Patti who has had 8 knee surgeries and finally a complete knee replacement. She is quite the exercise nut. I wish I had half her enthusiasm. I have to really push myself to exercise. I was lucky today Patti and I got asked over a neighbors to go swimming and I do love to swim. I really enjoyed that and it felt so good to swim and exercise in the pool. I loved it. May I should look into joining the Y. ???

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well my other post has been there since early Thursday and no one has commented. Hum, I wonder why?? Other's have written their blogs daily and I have commented on them. I hope it's not something I've said. I'm sorry if it is. I haven't meant to offend any one.

I am so disgusted with myself. I weigh the same as I have for 2 or 3 years but it's all around my middle and allot of my jeans and carpi's from last year don't fit, and because of my rib problem I can't do much in the form of exercising for fear of that problem starting up. So I'm going to try and lose some weight, I guess. I'm really going to try and watch what I eat and see if I can drop maybe 10 pounds or so. It sure would be nice if I could. Wish me luck. I don't feel like I eat that much now but I guess I eat the wrong things sometimes.
Today we have a graduation party to go to and tomorrow another one. That should be real helpful on a diet. lol . I'll be glad when this weekend is over. Have a nice weekend all.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

This is Jake, Terry and I. Terry says I have my camera on some sort of wrong setting because all our faces look flat.

There's our new patio set. We've been getting allot of use out of it as the chairs are so comfortable for reading and whatever else you want to do. I'm really loving it. So much nicer than just having a picnic table.
Last nice we went to our Grandson Jake's graduation from the 8th grade. They had a Mass and Awards ceremony and a breakfast for the parents in the morning and then last night they had a ceremony for the grandparents and other family members and handed out their diploma's. It was very nice and then afterwards there was a party for all the students in the cafeteria. The students were all dressed up in suits or sports coats and nice dresses and heels and they looked so grown up. Jake looked so grown up, he look like a man and not like a boy. They had to get him a size 44 sport coat which I think is pretty big. Jake is the one who is so into history and so much like Terry. He could become anything he wants to, he is so smart and has such a great mind. He won a $2,000.00 scholarship to high school and we are just so proud of him. We can't wait to see what he does with his life as an adult. (I hope I live that long) His parents are always getting compliments on what a nice kid he is. His class went on a trip to Washington DC and the chaperons all said Jake was the most interested in things they saw of all the students and that he even explained things to the other kids. We are just so proud of him. He's just a good kid and so well rounded. Sorry for going on so long.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday May 27th My Garden

Here's a picture of my little garden, or as I call it my little piece of heaven. It's mostly perennials but then I or we add some annuals each year to fill in. The peony's are over 50 years old and were brought with us from every house we lived in and originally came from Terry's Mom's house. Right now the peony's are just starting to bloom in the back of the garden and the iris are just about finished and the dutch iris are still blooming. The daffodil's bloomed earlier in the spring and the every blooming roses are just starting to bloom and then I have day-lilies that will bloom all summer too as will the red petunia's that we planted so we will have color all season. We also have a clematis climbing the fence that hasn't bloomed yet. Then I have 2 mums in there for the fall also, so there is color for every season. It's not very big, but it's just enough for me to take care of and Terry helps. This picture isn't very bright either so you can't see too well.

We had a very nice Memorial Day weekend. Terry and I relaxed on the patio and did a lot of reading over the weekend and Patti and family came over on Sunday for dinner and then on Monday we went over Michael's home for dinner and spent a nice evening out on their patio with his family, so we got to see both families over the holiday which made it very nice.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Monday May 26th, 1908

Please click on the Heart!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


No special plans for the weekend. Terry is setting up our new patio set today and I'm hoping our neighbor takes our picnic table soon and gets it out of our way. They said they would like to have it. I hope they haven't changed their minds. Terry wants to power wash the patio first. It will be so nice to have a comfortable chair to sit in out there and some shade from the umbrella. I'm looking forward to being able to do some reading outside. We may take in a grand-kids ball game some time this weekend and maybe do some grilling but that's about it. We'll be sticking cl0se to home most of the weekend. Happy Holiday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday May 21st

Yesterday Terry and I did a little shopping around and went to the library. The lady at the library was such a help to both of us. She made a copy of all the James Patterson Books, so that now I won't have to keep asking them which book comes next in a series as I have them all on this sheet of papers. All his books and all the different series that he's written so far, so I can check off and keep track of the ones I've already read. She did the same thing for Terry for 2 of his favorite authors. No one has every offered to do that before and we really thought that was nice of her. This is at our new and huge main library and we are really loving it. Next we stopped up the shopping center so I could get a Vera Bradley Hipster purse to match my wallet and glass case I got for Christmas, so I can carry it across my shoulder. I hate carrying purses with my cane, sometimes it's just too much so this was part of my Mother's Day present. Next we went to Sam's to look at a patio set. We found one we loved, now we just have to find someone to take our picnic table. The picnic table is nice, but I really wanted a table with chairs that I could just come out and sit in and didn't have to swing my leg over, which is hard for me to do. I'll take a picture once we get it set up. Next we met our friends for dinner, over in Cincinnati, so we had a full day. We got home just in time for me to watch American Idol. I'm hoping the young David wins. I like his type of singing better than David Cooks. David Cooks is really good though. Then I watched the finals of Dancing w/ the Stars and I was glad to see that Kristie won that. I've always like her, even when she skated.

Today I'm doing laundry and going to the grocery, going for a walk and a few other things too. Might even stop back up the library as they ordered some books for Terry, so I'll probably pick them up while I'm out. Glad these places are all close. Looks like we're finally going to have some sunny days for a change. I just might sit outside and read. Hugs to all.

Monday, May 19, 2008

What a weekend. Saturday we went over, no that on was Friday that we went over to see Jonathan after his surgery. We actually meet them for late lunch early dinner. Jonathan had a patch on his eye and looked tired but he ate pretty much cause he wasn't allowed to eat since the nite before and this was about 3 in the afternoon. After we ate we stopped back at their house and got to see all the rest of the kids. It was a nice afternoon. The doctors are hopeful that he will have better vision in his eye but we still don't know yet. He goes back to the doctor today and as of today his eye is still a bit blurry.
I guess Saturday we did nothing and yesterday we went 45 miles north near Kings Island (near our old house) to watch our one grandson, Jared play a double header baseball game. Won one, lost one, but I can't remember being that cold in a long time. It was very windy and very cold out yesterday and I about froze my tush off. Afterward we meet our old neighbors for dinner since we were so close to them and that was great. It was so nice to see them. It had been way to long since we'd seen them. We got home just in time for me to watch Desperate Housewife's and the news and then I tried reading for a while but was too sleepy and couldn't do it. All that wind and cold really must have taken it out of both Terry and I cause we didn't wake up till almost noon today. Shame on us. I just took my walk and had to cut it short as it started raining. I'm sick of cold and rain. What happened to SPRING??? I want it back.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday May 16. 08

Today is the day Jonathan , my grandson is having his eye surgery. We are awaiting a phone call as I type. They are going in and trying to release some scar tissue so that he has more eye movement in the eye that he had facial surgery on years ago. Please say a prayer that it works. He so wants it to work so that it enables him to see better especially when he's playing sports and things. Jonathan is the one who pushed for this surgery, so I pray it works for him. He is 17 now and very aware of his looks. I am so nervous about them going into his eye though. It just scares me. It's supposed to be out patient surgery and we should have heard by now, so it's really scaring me. We intend to go see him this afternoon. Please say a prayer for him. Thanks and Hugs.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nothing much going on here and it's very cloudy here and rain is headed our way. Am fixing a roast for dinner and mashed potatoes. Did some small things around here and now I really have nothing to do. I could do some ironing. Yuck. Forget it. I hate to iron but since we finally found the iron I guess I'll have to do it sooner of later. Later sounds good. Oh maybe I will do it. Nothing else to do. Guess maybe I'll grin and bear it. Ugh. Terry's really better at it then me, if I let it go long enough, he'll do it. That's terrible, isn't it. OK, so I'll do it. Bye.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What a beautiful day it is out, so why am I in here running the sweeper. I don't know!! Stupid I guess. I enjoyed chat this morning, Everyone was there for a change. I wish Randy and Katy would get a blog here, especially Katy since she would really write something. Come one Katy!! Well when I was running the sweeper I found ants in the kitchen, so I had to empty the cabinet under the sink as that seem to be where they were coming from. Afterward Terry came and helped me wipe it out good and spray and then put things back. He also sprayed from outside too. I sure hope that works. They are those real tiny ones. Well I'm finished running the sweeper but I'm awfully tired and have nothing planned for dinner, so I'm not sure what we will do. Hopefully go out but I'm not sure I even want to. I'm pretty tired. I'd love to get out to enjoy this weather as it's suppose to rain the rest of the week. Maybe after I rest awhile I'll have enough energy to go for a walk. I hope you all enjoyed this day. Hugs.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday 5/12/08

The sun is shining and it looks like a great day. The rain is past thank goodness. I think it rained all day yesterday, but I had a nice Mother's Day any way. We went to Mass that our one grandson served and then went out to breakfast and then came home and had a nice afternoon and then we went over our son's for dinner. It was so nice and all the kids were so well behaved and the steaks were so good that we had for dinner and cheese cake for dessert. The whole evening was nice. They gave me this huge hanging planter that's beautiful. Our daughter gave me a gift certificate for my favorite place to eat too. Terry gave me all my flowers he helped me plant and then a dozen roses too. All in all I had a wonderful Mother's Day and early this morning Alan left to go home so Terry and I are taking it easy today and are doing some catching up on our reading.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday 5/9/08

Yes it's Friday and for now it's not raining, but it's heading our way again. Maybe I'll try to beat it and get out and go for my walk. Not much going on around here. Alan is still here and tonight we're going to go to Cheddar's for dinner cause he's never been there. One nice thing, since he's been here we have been going out to dinner allot which is really nice for me. He's got some restaurant cards he's trying to use up and he's using them on us. Really nice for us. Don't have many plans for over the weekend except for on Mother's day, we have been invited over our son's house for dinner. That will be nice. Well I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers. Hugs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday 5/7/08

We've had some wonderful weather days and now they are calling for rain again later today and tomorrow. Oh well it was nice while it lasted. We've been sort of busy around here. Sunday was 1st Communion, which was really nice and then Terry's cousin (Alan) arrived from Florida to stay with us for a week or so and we've been busy entertaining him. Yesterday we spent the day planting flowers. I told Terry I wanted some red Petunias, and he came home with 2 flats of them. Well that's 54 plants in each flat. That's one heck of a lot of plants to plant, 108. Well I just about died just thinking about planting all of them. Well thank goodness Terry decided to help me and we planted one flat in the back in my small garden around the tree and the rest we planted around the lamp post in the front and a few up nearer to the house. If these all spread out we are going to have wall to wall petunias and a sea of red flowers. Today I'm sore from bending and planting and my arms are sore too. So today I'm doing laundry and changing bed linens and we're going out to dinner. Hope everyone is doing well. Hugs.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yep, it's raining again. I hope it rains itself out before tomorrow as one of our grandson's makes his First Communion tomorrow and afterward they are having the whole family over for a party to celebrate and are hoping for nice weather. This is Patti's youngest Adam and he is growing like a weed. Today I am making cookies and a cauliflower salad for tomorrow. The cookies are at Adams request. He loves my chocolate chip cookies. We finally were able to take the spaghetti dinner over to Alex yesterday. They were going to have it for dinner last night. He seems to be doing real good since his surgery. He's now supposed to take it easy for 3 months and that's going to be the hard part. Well I'm off to eat breakfast and then make my cookies and salad. Have a nice weekend all. Hugs.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday May 1st

Wow I can't believe it's May 1st already. Where did the first part of the year go to. We've had a nice last couple of days, but now it's supposed to rain and get colder again. Our grandson is doing well after his surgery on his back last Saturday. He's still in pain but he's getting up and around some. I spent one day this week making spaghetti and meatballs for him and but I still haven't been able to get it over to him. Maybe tomorrow. Today I ended up going with Terry to the doctor. He's got me worried to death. He has blood in is urine. They took a sample and tested it and are also sending it out for more tests that they can't do. The doc examined him pretty good and he thinks it's a kidney or urine infection. He's put him on a heavy duty antibiotic and Terry has to go back in three weeks to get checked out again. It has me worried that it might be something to do with his prostrate. The doctor said to wait until the next visit to see, he explained why to us, but I can't explain it all to you. Anyway, I'm worried.

Monday, April 28, 2008

We had a very nice weekend even though we spent Saturday morning in the hospital while our grandson had surgery on his back. The surgery went well, and they put a bracket and some screws on his vertebra to stabilize it where it was cracked. We stayed till he came out of surgery and was sent up to his room and we knew he was fine. He's doing pretty good and will probably come home today. He's still in pretty much pain but I think that is to be expected. I just hate that for him, to have to be going through this at only 16 years old, to be having back problems so young. The next surgery he has to have in November will be even harder on him. My heart just goes out to him.

Sunday we went to a baseball game. We even took Winnie along. I think she enjoyed her outing. I just about froze to death and I even had on long sleeves and a light weight jacket but it got so windy out and it got really chilly. We did enjoy the game though. On the way home we stopped and got some Chinese food at our favorite place. It was good. Then we went home and I got all nice and warm in my pj's and watched TV and read for the rest of the night.

Today I'm making meat balls and spaghetti for dinner, which we might take some of it over to our Grandson Alex who had the surgery because he just loves my meat ball & spaghetti. Whenever he comes over that's what he always asks for, for dinner, so I'm sure he'd love it if we brought him some. Well I need to get off here and get something to eat. Hugs.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Today I spent the day with my daughter. I had an appointment to get my hair colored and cut and she was going to to with me and tell the girl how to color my hair and then while she was doing it all she was going to do her power walking to get her exercising in for the day. Well believe it or not the girl didn't show up. To make a long story short we got another appointment later with another girl we've been to and went and had lunch first and did some shopping and then went and had my hair done. Well I'm liking the color but I think she cut it just a bit too short on top, but in a weeks time it will probably be perfect. Anyway, now all my gray is gone. It's just not highlighted, she also put brown in it too. The colors are very nice. I look at least 10 years younger. Yea right. lol. Tomorrow I have to spend the day dusting and cleaning as we've had the windows open and there is a coat of dust on everything and Terry's brother and his wife are stopping over tomorrow night. The windows a getting closed and staying closed. They are doing road work not far from us and it will be that way for another year or more. Well Saturday one of our grandson's is having surgery so I'd like you to keep him in your prayers. He 16 and he's having back surgery. He has a crack in his vertebra and they are going in to fix it. I'll let you know how it goes. He also has scoliosis and will need further surgery next fall to have that fixed. He is in no pain. Please just keep him in your prayers. I probably won't be back on the computer till late Saturday or maybe Sunday. Hugs.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Well I didn't get my walk in yesterday but I will today. I got in a bad mood yesterday and I just sort of didn't want to go out. I was feeling sorry for myself. Patti mentioned something about that they might move and I got to thinking about how I would hate it here alone if they did move. Well I've snapped out of it today and I'm just hoping it doesn't happen and I'm not going to dwell on something that might or might not happen. I did some laundry yesterday and I'm doing more today. Terry is changing the front brakes on our Van and also the struts. I wish he would just have someone else do it but he won't. He just doesn't trust anyone else and you know it's cheaper to do it yourself even if it does kill him, meaning his back. He'll be in so much pain when he gets done. But it won't stop him. Stubborn that what he is. Well, guess I'll get out of here and get something to eat and switch my loads of laundry and then go for my walk and see what else needs doing around here. Hugs.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday the 21st

We had a very nice weekend. I was thinking we did nothing but then I remembered that on Saturday we meet with some friends for late lunch. They have been in Florida since the first of the year and they are on their way home. They are staying in a place close to us because their daughter lives close to us. It sure was great seeing them. We've missed them. I'm glad they are home. After eating they came back to the house for a bit and we had a nice visit. They are heading to home tomorrow. Home is about an hour away in Ohio. They have a house out in the country with about 40 acres that we go visit once in awhile. We've been good friends for a long while. The men folk were both policemen but on different departments and we got to know each other that way. Sunday we did nothing. Watched movies and read. Nice day inside, rainy outside.
Today is looking nicer. It's shaping up to look like a pretty nice day. I think I'll probably get my walk in today. It's almost 60 degrees now and the sun is shining. Hugs.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday the 18th

Yesterday I went and bought a new vacuum sweeper. I was tired of not being able to pick up all the dog hair. Well when I got home and ran the sweeper I couldn't believe all the hair and stuff it picked up. It was unbelievable. So I'm glad I finally talked Terry into a new one. Today I have to go to the dentist as I've lost a filling. On the way home I will stop at the grocery store. Afterwards I will go for a walk as the weather here is still just awesome. Tomorrow the rain is supposed to come back. Guess it couldn't last forever. It sure was nice while it lasted. Don't know what we're doing over the weekend, but hope you all have a nice weekend. Hugs.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Not much going on today except the sun is shining and that is a good thing. A really good thing. When I went for my walk yesterday I about froze my butt off. At least today the sun will be shining when I do it. Made my cup cakes yesterday and Terry make chocolate cream cheese icing on chocolate cake and was it good. Sent some over to the kids and they all came over wanting more. It was too good. Today I'm cleaning bathrooms and then I'm going for a walk and then I'm reading. Well, hope you all have a nice day. It suppose to be about 55 degrees and sunny all day and that sounds good to me. Wouldn't mind a bit warmer though. See ya.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Nothing planned for today, except to make some cup cakes for Terry. He's got a craving for some so I said I'd bake him some. Then he'll make cream cheese icing. Yummy!! We didn't do much over the weekend. It was a very laid back weekend. Saturday we checked out our new Krogers and then did nothing, and Sunday we went to Mass and then had breakfast out and then had a laid back day the rest of the day. I read and watched the Masters Golf Tournament on TV. I always like watching that every year. We use to play golf in our younger years and I love watching that particular tournament. After that I just read and watched TV. Well guess I should get on with baking those cup cakes. Have nice day all. Hugs.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well now that I look it's really afternoon, Good Afternoon to you one and all. I had no idea it was this late in the day already. Terry and I got up this morning and went up to our new grocery store up the street from us. It's a Kroger's and It's only about 2 miles from us. We've had a Remke and a Flick's but Flick's just closed and Kroger's moved in temporarily until their big store gets built a bit farther down the road and that store is going to be huge. Any way it's going to be so nice having a Kroger's this close as that's where we like to grocery shop and also take our Rx too. So it will really be convenient being this close. Sure will save us in gas money. Nothing planned for the rest of the weekend and the weather is sort of cold and dreary out so I guess we'll be spending our time inside unless something comes up. Have a nice weekend all.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Not much going on today. Cleaning the bedroom and changing the bed linens and doing some laundry and if the rain holds off I'll get to go for a walk also. Think we're going to have grilled pork chops for dinner. That's about my day. I'll probably watch American Idol tonight and to see who gets kicked off and also watch their American Gives Back show too as they've got some pretty good guests going to be on. I've finished my books so I need to get up to the library again to get some new books. I feel at a lose when I don't have a book to read. I end up watching too much stupid TV. Hugs.

Monday, April 7, 2008

We had a very nice weekend. Saturday we stayed home and one of the grand kids came over, Tyler because he didn't want to go to his brother basketball game. So he came over here and spent some time on the computer and when they weren't home yet and we were getting hungry we took him and went and got pizza. It was nice only to have one of the grand kids alone, usually we have more with us. Sunday we went to Mass and then afterward I had to stop up at Bath and Body works to get my sister something for her birthday as last nite we went over my nephews house for dessert for her 70th birthday. That was a nice evening. It was nice seeing all her kids and there families. I hadn't seen some of them for awhile and I hadn't seen my sister and hubby since they got back from Florida a week or so ago. She didn't know we were coming and when we got there she cried. She was so glad we came. Well that's our weekend.

Looks like we're going to have at least a day or 2 of nice weather before we go back into more rain. So Terry got our grass cut already today where it was really getting long and I'm about ready to go for my walk. My pansy's are blooming and so are my daffodils and lots of other things are coming up. Hugs.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday 4/11/08

Rain, rain and more rain! I'm sick of rain, and when we need rain this summer when it's so hot and all dried up we won't get any. Oh well that's life I guess. Was up late again last nite reading so I slept late today. I have not a thing planned for today. I did make copies of tax forms so Terry can get started of making out our taxes. Other than that I'll probably dust a bit here and there and find something to fix for dinner and then read some more. We don't have anything planned for the weekend either. Oh yes we do. My sister turns 70 on Sunday and we're going over my nephews house to celebrate her birthday on Sunday, but that's our only plans. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Stay dry. Hugs.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's sort of dreary out today, not like yesterday which was sunny and nice all day. We've got light rain it looks like all day too. Oh well guess it's a good day to do what I'm doing. Run the sweeper. The house really needs it as I've sort of neglected it this past week or so since I wasn't feeling the best, but today I'm doing it. Can't stand the little fuzzy things I see on the floor any longer. lol. Patti wanted me to do something with her today but I bowed out and said no that I had to catch up on my house work. She said she really did to since she is off today. I'm glad Terry is feeling better cause he's out of my way and downstairs doing something light but at least he's not in my way. Well off to finish my sweeping.

Well here I am at 12:22 am on the computer so I thought I'd write you a note and let you know that I am feeling better. Still get a stab every once in awhile but I can deal with that. Today Terry went to the doctor as his back has really been bothering him. We were even afraid he might have a kidney infection, but he didn't. Terry is really careful about the doctor touching his lower back because of all his past surgeries, but the Dr. felt around and said that all his lower back muscles were locked up and felt very tight so he gave him a shot in each side and tried to loosen him up a bit. Well he is feeling much better. I'm so glad, as he has been down for almost two weeks or more. There's allot more to it but I'm not going to go into it all here but that's about the gist of it. I'm just glad he's feeling better. Those shots must have really helped. So with Terry down and me down too, we haven't been doing much. Think I'll got to bed and read now. Hopefully I'll be writing more often now. Good Night All.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be writing in my blog for awhile as I've been having problems with my rib and my side off and on and I have found that being on the computer seems to make it worse, so I'm trying to spend less time on the computer.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We had a very nice Easter. I love having the whole family together and seeing all the grand kids inter act with each other. They always have so much fun. The food was great and they had fun with the egg hunt and nobody found the eggs with the big money in them so everybody had to go back out and keep looking until they finally found them. It was so funny. We always hide two eggs one with a ten dollar bill and one a five dollar bill and I guess they hid them go good this year. Then it started snowing while we were out trying to find the eggs. Nice spring Easter. lol. The only bad part of Easter was Terry was not feeling well. His back is giving him fits. He's been pretty much out of action for about 5 days now, even using a cane. He's in allot of pain. He did go Easter but we were the first to leave so he could go home and he could lay down. It is beginning to loosen up just a bit today he said, but not much. It usually takes at least a week when it locks up and when this happens. Well yesterday was a busy day for me. Some of the grand kids spent the night at my daughters but then her kids had dentist appointments the next morning so I watched kids in the morning while they went to the dentist. After that I had to go to the grocery and to Sam's and then came home and had a nice pork roast with mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner. Well by the time I finished with all of that I was done in. I watched some TV in bed and then went to sleep pretty early for me. Today we are having left over pork make into chow mien for dinner. The sun is shining but it's really windy outside and in the low 50's. I need to read my book for my book club for this Thursday, if I don't I'm not going to get it finished, so I'm off to read.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday the 19th

Its still raining and they are talking about flooding everywhere. Thank goodness we have a sump pump in our basement. It has been going off rather regularly. We need to get a back up one though just in case. If that one went out, we'd have a mess especially once Terry finishes fixing up the basement. I feel for some of my friends that are worried about being flooded out. Our son called this morning and he had a mess in his basement . Lots of water. He's in the process of remodeling his basement, so I guess it's good to know now where the basement leaks so that they can take care of the problem before they get too far. I feel bad for them and well anyone who has water problems. We use to have them for years at our old house when our kids were growing up. I use to hate seeing it rain. Well I will pray for everyone. Hope the sun shines tomorrow. Hugs.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday the 18th

Not much going on except allot of rain. Rained all night and it's not supposed to let up until tomorrow. Yuck! Finally found out that our daughter in law is going to have Easter. We all sort of figured she would. They are the only ones with a house large enough for everyone. They have both her side and our side of the family and that make for allot of people and kids. I pray for nice weather. Guess I'll get some reading done today while it rains. Not much else to do today, I'm pretty well caught up on everything. Hugs.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's all!!! We're not doing anything special today that I know of. We may decide to do something later, who knows. Had a nice weekend. Terry went over on Saturday and helped our son Michael with his basement. I think he's really enjoying working with him, just the two of them and getting to talk and stuff. Sunday we had nothing planned and then we got a phone call from our daughter saying her father in law was supplying dinner again. This time it was spaghetti and meat balls. So I got busy and made some brownies for dessert and we had dinner over our daughters supplied by her father in law. It was great. We asked him what he was having next Sunday?? lol But that's Easter, already, can you believe it. Easter is really early this year. I just hope we have nice weather for the kids Easter egg hunt. Well have a nice day.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Here I sit all alone today. I could have gone with Terry but I decided not to. He went over to watch one of our grandsons play basketball in the city (Cincinnati) finals and then afterwards he's going to help our son with his basement. Well I didn't want to go and have my daughter in law feel like she had to entertain me all afternoon, so hence I stayed home. Our oldest grandson turns 17 today. Wow! I really don't mind staying home, as I'm reading the follow up book to "Pillars of the Earth" which is "World Without End" by Ken Follett and it's over 1000 pages and I can use a day or so of reading. I'm a slow reader so it takes me awhile to get through a book that thick. It's so heavy too. I weighed the book and it weighs almost 4 lbs. I get tired holding it, so I prop it on a pillow most of the time. Well I'll do allot of reading today and some laundry. I'd love to go for a walk to but it doesn't look like the weather is going to cooperate. It looks like it's going to rain, so we shall see.

Last night we finally got to go to our church's fish fry. Seems like every Friday there's been some thing or there's been snow and we haven't been able to go. Well last night we planed it out and we got our daughter's family together and we all went up to the church's last fish fry of the season. It was really good. We all had fun and the food was great too.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


It's supposed to hit 60 today. Usually on Thursday I spend the day with my daughter but today she had allot of things she had to get caught up on and she wanted me to just meet her and go out to lunch with her in between and I said lets just forget this week since you've got so much going on, so we're not doing anything. Well I might do laundry. When I got up this morning I stepped onto the bathroom rug and my heel must have been bleeding as there was blood on the rug, on two them in fact. My one heel is very dry and has cracks and I keep putting lotions on them 2 or 3 times daily but I've never had them bleed before. Well I've now got neosporin on it and a band aid but I'm going to have to wash the rugs. They needed it anyway. I've been waiting for nicer weather so I could put them outside to dry. Well I guess I can't wait any longer now.

Went for a walk outside yesterday and it felt so good and I'm going to go again today. Have to take advantage of this nice weather while I can.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Went to the doctor yesterday and I'm feeling much better today. He's got my rib back in place and I'm being very careful how I walk and sit and everything. He also gave me some medicines to take for 7 days too. It's actually pretty nice outside today so I think I will go for a walk. It's 49 degrees and the sun is nice and bright and the snow is melting away. It's mostly gone on the sidewalks so I'm gonna go for it. Have to have left overs for dinner tonight. By the way that meatloaf the other night was wonderful. Even Terry ate it and liked it. He made a bunch and I even got a small left over one. It was yummy!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm not going to use any header today. Thought you probably had enough with the Shamrocks. Well we survived the weekend and all the snow. Did nothing yesterday. We did finally have our Swiss Steak in the crock pot and it was really good. Today I'm running the sweeper because I don't have to fix dinner. It's being brought to me. Patti's father in law I have always been told make a great meatloaf and he called last night and said not to make dinner tonight that he's bringing over his meatloaf for us to have for dinner. I love meatloaf and Terry hates it so I never fix it. S he told me the next time he fixes it I would get one, so tonight is my lucky night. I can't wait. Meanwhile my side has started up again but I'm pushing through it. I do have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow though. It's not too bad and I'm hoping it doesn't get worse. Take care.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Today being Thursday is the day I spend with my daughter Patti. Fri st we went to DSW shoe store so I could look for a pair of nice looking black flat shoes. Well I found a really cute pair in the back in their reduced section. Then we went to Victoria Secrets where Patti had a coupon for a free pair of panties. We then went NY something and looked around there and I got the cutest sweatshirt that is gray with the hood being gray and white stripe and it has two little pockets on the front. It is too cute. I just couldn't pass it up. Then we went to eat at La Rosa's and had stuffed pizza. I'd never had that and was it good. We had it stuffed with mushrooms, onions, spinach and tomatoes. Yummy. Next we went to Sam's and then to the Library to just return books as we were running out of time and then to Kroger's to pick up my Rx and then home to my sick hubby. He has been sick since Tuesday. Don't know if I've mentioned that or not. First he throw out his back and it was in spasms and then he really started feeling yucky to boot. So he's been down with his back out and down with the flu I guess. His stomach has been very upset and he's been achy all over and not eating much at all and basically just laying around on the heating pad taking pain pills. His back has stopped spasming but he's still aching all over. I'm hoping he feels better tomorrow. They say this flu thing last 3 or 4 days. I feel for him and I'm hoping and praying whatever he's got, I don't get it. Hugs to all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Not much going on. Got up today and fixed a Swiss Steak and got it cooking in my crock pot for dinner. That's one of our favorite dinners. I'll fix some mashed potatoes to go with it and a veggie and yummy. Other than that nothing going on. It's been raining all night. It was 70 degrees yesterday and very windy but I didn't get out and now the temperature is only 37 degrees and rainy. I did have a nice surprise though. Terry had to go to the bank and the grocery this morning and when he came home he brought me the prettiest white with red tipped dozen long stem roses. They are beautiful. That was quite a surprise. Made my day. Well hope you have a nice day. Hugs .

Monday, March 3, 2008

Not much going on. Did nothing yesterday but read and watch TV after going to Mass. On Saturday we went over our son's and Terry helped him in his basement (he's starting to remodel it) while I went and watched one of the older grandson's (Alex) play basketball. He won and I was impressed with his playing. It's a shame he's not taller. He plays on an intramural team not on the High School team, but I think it's nice they even have teams for kids that don't make the high school teams so they can keep playing and keep active. Alex is the grandson that might have to have back surgery. You sure wouldn't know it by watching him play basketball.

Not sure what I'm doing today. Probably changing the bed linens and just general clean up. Well have a nice day.

Friday, February 29, 2008

It's finally starting to warm up a bit here. It's 43 degrees right now which is warm compared to what it's been lately. Hopefully some of the ice will melt on the driveway. Yesterday being Thursday my daughter Patti's day off we went to school and had lunch with 2 of her kids. Well we didn't actually eat with them we just were there with them while they ate, both at different times. They seemed to enjoy that Mommy and MeMaw came to have lunch with them. Afterward she and I did go have lunch together and afterward did some running around to get some things that we both needed. It was a nice day.
Found out the my one grandson is going to be needing surgery on his back. He has what is called Scheuermann's Kyphosis, which is almost like a hump back, but he also has a fracture in one of his vertebra. He had an MRI the other day and he goes back next Tuesday for follow up and possibly find out when they will do surgery. Jonathan is also going in to have tests done on his eye as he is not happy with the way he is seeing out of it since all of his facial surgeries. After these tests they will then go back to the surgeon and discuss their options with him. I guess with 8 kids there is always something going on. Sure keeps me worrying. Well Terry is gone today. He went over to help our son with his basememt and I'm not doing much as I'm babying my back and side as I've had some twinges of pain, so I'm trying to be real careful about what I do. Have a nice weekend all.

Monday, February 25, 2008

We had a very nice weekend. Saturday we went and watched our one grandson play basketball which his team won and then afterward we all stopped at Frisch's for late lunch early dinner. The rest of the day We spent at home and I read my book. Sunday we went to Mass and afterward we went of and watched our son's one boy play indoor soccer, which his team won. He's only 7 and those little kids are really good. Next the whole family, well most of the family, Michael and 7 of the kids went out to eat and then afterward we went to one of the other grandson basketball games. It was a tournament game which they won. So all the games we watched this weekend were won. That was great. After the game we went home and my back and side were bothering me so I went to bed and put the heating pad on and watched the pre Oscar show just so I could see the dresses the ladies were wearing and when that was over I started reading. Nice end to a nice weekend.

Today after being on the computer I'm going to finally going to finish reading my big library book "Pillars of the Earth" and then tonight we're going out to dinner with our friends. Have a nice day all. Hugs.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Yesterday I went to my book club at the library and then afterward I met my daughter at Pan era Bread for lunch. Then we went and she had her hair colored and while her hair was being processed the stylist cut my hair. Well by the time we got finished it had started to snow and I stopped and got Terry something to eat and when I did I called Terry and asked him if when I got home he'd come out and help me in cause I knew our driveway would be getting slippery. Well when I got home and I tried to get the van backed up in the driveway like we always put it I couldn't get it up the hill so I got out and Terry helped me up the hill of the driveway and then he got in the van he finally got it up the driveway. I hate when the driveway gets slippery like that. I really miss our flat driveway. That is the only thing I don't like about this house. But we get by and we can always go out by the front or back doors if we have to go out. Patti had to stop at Target after we got our hair done and she took such a long time to get home and I was beginning to get scared . I called her on her cell phone and she said the roads were really getting bad and the traffic wasn't moving very fast. She finally called me when she got home and it took her a really long time but thank goodness she made it OK.
Today I am going to walk the treadmill and finish running the sweeper, then probably do some reading. I'm a little over half way through my book that is 1300 pages long. It's so heavy to hold too, but it is good. "Pillars of the Earth" Well have a good day. Hugs.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Back

Well I don't know if anyone has realized it or not but I've been off line since last Thursday. Our computer went blank again. We talked to them up at Best Buys Geek Squad and they said to bring it in and they could do a quick test on it and maybe find out what was wrong. Well we didn't want to take it over the week end so we waited till Monday and took both the tower and the monitor and cords. Well we forgot it was Presidents Day and it was probably as crowded as a weekend day anyway. But it was finally our turn and they couldn't have been more helpful. They checked it out and no power was coming from the monitor. Well guess what the monitor was out of warranty by 184 days, so we had to buy a new monitor. So we did and now I'm finally back in business. I was beginning to have computer withdrawal. Feels good to be back on and this time I didn't loose anything thank goodness. Well take care and have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What A Day

My computer is bare. I can't believe it. I've lost everything. I had to call HP Technical Service 3 times and the 3rd time they decided we had better do what they called a recovery on the computer and I've lost everything. All my e-mail addresses, all my pictures and everything. I'm sick about it. I had not idea that he was going to clear it back that far. I thought he was just going to go back to like last week of something. Oh well it done now and there is nothing I can do about it but start over. I've got allot of work ahead of me. I was glad when I came into google blogger that this wasn't gone. I'm glad this is still here. Well take care. Oh my spell check is gone. Bummers. I'll have to find that again.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Well I guess you can say I'm finally feeling back to normal. Well pretty much so anyway. I'm not feeling so depressed anymore all the time and that's a real good thing. We did take Patti out to dinner for her birthday and that was nice and then the next day she was off work and she and Terry talked me into going with her to the mall, which I didn't want to do but that they pushed until I finally said OK I'll go. We did have a nice time and had lunch at the food court. Tonight we are going over our old friends house for dinner. See I am forcing myself to accept invitations to get out. I'd really rather just be sitting at home with a good book. I just don't feel very social. Well I'm sure we'll have a nice time. This is the girl that was my neighbor growing up so I've known her for probably over 60 years. That's scary isn't it. Well hope you have a nice weekend. Hugs.