Friday, February 29, 2008

It's finally starting to warm up a bit here. It's 43 degrees right now which is warm compared to what it's been lately. Hopefully some of the ice will melt on the driveway. Yesterday being Thursday my daughter Patti's day off we went to school and had lunch with 2 of her kids. Well we didn't actually eat with them we just were there with them while they ate, both at different times. They seemed to enjoy that Mommy and MeMaw came to have lunch with them. Afterward she and I did go have lunch together and afterward did some running around to get some things that we both needed. It was a nice day.
Found out the my one grandson is going to be needing surgery on his back. He has what is called Scheuermann's Kyphosis, which is almost like a hump back, but he also has a fracture in one of his vertebra. He had an MRI the other day and he goes back next Tuesday for follow up and possibly find out when they will do surgery. Jonathan is also going in to have tests done on his eye as he is not happy with the way he is seeing out of it since all of his facial surgeries. After these tests they will then go back to the surgeon and discuss their options with him. I guess with 8 kids there is always something going on. Sure keeps me worrying. Well Terry is gone today. He went over to help our son with his basememt and I'm not doing much as I'm babying my back and side as I've had some twinges of pain, so I'm trying to be real careful about what I do. Have a nice weekend all.

Monday, February 25, 2008

We had a very nice weekend. Saturday we went and watched our one grandson play basketball which his team won and then afterward we all stopped at Frisch's for late lunch early dinner. The rest of the day We spent at home and I read my book. Sunday we went to Mass and afterward we went of and watched our son's one boy play indoor soccer, which his team won. He's only 7 and those little kids are really good. Next the whole family, well most of the family, Michael and 7 of the kids went out to eat and then afterward we went to one of the other grandson basketball games. It was a tournament game which they won. So all the games we watched this weekend were won. That was great. After the game we went home and my back and side were bothering me so I went to bed and put the heating pad on and watched the pre Oscar show just so I could see the dresses the ladies were wearing and when that was over I started reading. Nice end to a nice weekend.

Today after being on the computer I'm going to finally going to finish reading my big library book "Pillars of the Earth" and then tonight we're going out to dinner with our friends. Have a nice day all. Hugs.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Yesterday I went to my book club at the library and then afterward I met my daughter at Pan era Bread for lunch. Then we went and she had her hair colored and while her hair was being processed the stylist cut my hair. Well by the time we got finished it had started to snow and I stopped and got Terry something to eat and when I did I called Terry and asked him if when I got home he'd come out and help me in cause I knew our driveway would be getting slippery. Well when I got home and I tried to get the van backed up in the driveway like we always put it I couldn't get it up the hill so I got out and Terry helped me up the hill of the driveway and then he got in the van he finally got it up the driveway. I hate when the driveway gets slippery like that. I really miss our flat driveway. That is the only thing I don't like about this house. But we get by and we can always go out by the front or back doors if we have to go out. Patti had to stop at Target after we got our hair done and she took such a long time to get home and I was beginning to get scared . I called her on her cell phone and she said the roads were really getting bad and the traffic wasn't moving very fast. She finally called me when she got home and it took her a really long time but thank goodness she made it OK.
Today I am going to walk the treadmill and finish running the sweeper, then probably do some reading. I'm a little over half way through my book that is 1300 pages long. It's so heavy to hold too, but it is good. "Pillars of the Earth" Well have a good day. Hugs.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm Back

Well I don't know if anyone has realized it or not but I've been off line since last Thursday. Our computer went blank again. We talked to them up at Best Buys Geek Squad and they said to bring it in and they could do a quick test on it and maybe find out what was wrong. Well we didn't want to take it over the week end so we waited till Monday and took both the tower and the monitor and cords. Well we forgot it was Presidents Day and it was probably as crowded as a weekend day anyway. But it was finally our turn and they couldn't have been more helpful. They checked it out and no power was coming from the monitor. Well guess what the monitor was out of warranty by 184 days, so we had to buy a new monitor. So we did and now I'm finally back in business. I was beginning to have computer withdrawal. Feels good to be back on and this time I didn't loose anything thank goodness. Well take care and have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What A Day

My computer is bare. I can't believe it. I've lost everything. I had to call HP Technical Service 3 times and the 3rd time they decided we had better do what they called a recovery on the computer and I've lost everything. All my e-mail addresses, all my pictures and everything. I'm sick about it. I had not idea that he was going to clear it back that far. I thought he was just going to go back to like last week of something. Oh well it done now and there is nothing I can do about it but start over. I've got allot of work ahead of me. I was glad when I came into google blogger that this wasn't gone. I'm glad this is still here. Well take care. Oh my spell check is gone. Bummers. I'll have to find that again.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Well I guess you can say I'm finally feeling back to normal. Well pretty much so anyway. I'm not feeling so depressed anymore all the time and that's a real good thing. We did take Patti out to dinner for her birthday and that was nice and then the next day she was off work and she and Terry talked me into going with her to the mall, which I didn't want to do but that they pushed until I finally said OK I'll go. We did have a nice time and had lunch at the food court. Tonight we are going over our old friends house for dinner. See I am forcing myself to accept invitations to get out. I'd really rather just be sitting at home with a good book. I just don't feel very social. Well I'm sure we'll have a nice time. This is the girl that was my neighbor growing up so I've known her for probably over 60 years. That's scary isn't it. Well hope you have a nice weekend. Hugs.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm feeling a bit better so I thought I drop by and say hello. I hate it when I am down or have a time of depression as there is no way I can control it. Anyway I haven't found any way. It just sort of slips up on me. I hate it. It's happened to me now a few times and I just want to crawl into a ball and be left alone. It's terrible. The doctor doubled some of my meds and that really helped. Allot!! Well I will write more when something is going on.