Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We had lots of strong winds and rain last night. Felt like the house was going to blow away. But it didn't and today the sun is shining and it's about 40 degrees and very nice out.
Last night we went out to dinner with our usual friends that we go out with on Monday but couldn't so we did it on Tuesday. We hadn't seen them since before Christmas and we'd missed them. On the way home it really started pouring down rain hard. I hate having to drive in that kind of rain but we made it home. Then we had to listen to is at home.
Today I'm going to walk the treadmill and then run the sweeper. Fun right! Terry has Patti's FIL over helping him put up the final sheets of dry wall on the ceiling of his workshop. Then he's going to swirl the ceiling. Once that's done Terry will be able to start putting the finishing touches on his shop and start putting it together and start painting everything.
Well off to do my thing for the day. Hugs.

1 comment:

Yobeeone said...

So cool! Everyone needs a workshop! I loved hanging out in my grandpa's. When I was 12 he made me a mini-one on our porch. It was cool!