Friday, January 11, 2008


Yesterday I went with my daughter Patti, and we met her friend, and our neighbor of across the street from us when Patti was growing up, for lunch. We had a nice lunch and we got all the news about all their old friends from grade school and high school. It was great fun catching up and great to see Dana. She and Patti had always been so close, almost like sisters but have drifted apart a bit lately but still stay in touch. We did a little shopping afterward and then on the way home picked up Patti's oldest from school and then picked up Terry something for dinner, so I wouldn't have to fix him something.
Today I am finally running the sweeper. I never did get around to it. So I'm stuck running the sweeper and doing some laundry at the same time today. Usually do that on different days. Right now I'm on one of my brakes and I'm resting so I'm writing this.
It was nice watching TV last night and not having repeats. Grays Anatomy's was good and so was ER. But I guess they go back to repeats next week. Writers still on strike. They should get new writers or come to an agreement. It's been long enough already. Well back to work for me. Hugs. I forgot to tell you that I've been able to get Winnie on the Treadmill. Yes, I've now got her walking on the treadmill. I hold the leash tight and turn it on and she actually walks on it. Not real fast , but so far I've only had her walk for about 5 minutes, but I plan on increasing it a bit every day so she'll get some exerise. I've seen the guy on TV do it, so I thought I'd try it and she's doing real well. I'm so proud of her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are doing well. Winnie on the treadmill..I bet that is a sight.