Saturday, January 5, 2008


Yesterday was not a good day for either Terry or I. We both fell and hurt ourselves. Terry fell in the basement and landed on his elbow on the hard cement. His elbow immediately blew up and swelled and got really sore. I just hope he didn't chip or crack a bone.

Then I fell off a chair when I was dusting the air vents and landed all twisted up on the floor of the kitchen on my face with my glasses flying and all twisted up. My eye is black and blue and my knee and elbow are sore from where I must have landed on them. We have to go to get my glasses fixed today as they are all mangled up. I'm sore all over. I also fell yesterday coming up the driveway to. I'm not safe anywhere. Think I need some bubble wrap.

1 comment:

Yobeeone said...

ouch ouch ouch double ouch! How you heal up real quick like!

PS: Heavy duty bubblewrap might help. :]