Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's Cold!!! Burr!! I'm not going any where until it gets somewhat warmer. The highest it's getting today is about 15 degrees and that just to cold for this little lady. So I'll be staying in and reading, playing on the computer and watching TV. I've been watching American Idol and I can't believe that some of people that try out actually think they can sing. It's good for a couple of laughs though. There's nothing much good on TV right now everything is repeats unless you like watching the reality shows. Some are OK, but I'm not much into them. I did like Amazing Race, but that's over now, and I so like Biggest Looser sometimes too. But a good book is always a better bet. Well I made a pot of chili today and I'm getting hungry so I think I'm going to go get dinner ready. It's about that time. Hugs.

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