Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday the 19th

Its still raining and they are talking about flooding everywhere. Thank goodness we have a sump pump in our basement. It has been going off rather regularly. We need to get a back up one though just in case. If that one went out, we'd have a mess especially once Terry finishes fixing up the basement. I feel for some of my friends that are worried about being flooded out. Our son called this morning and he had a mess in his basement . Lots of water. He's in the process of remodeling his basement, so I guess it's good to know now where the basement leaks so that they can take care of the problem before they get too far. I feel bad for them and well anyone who has water problems. We use to have them for years at our old house when our kids were growing up. I use to hate seeing it rain. Well I will pray for everyone. Hope the sun shines tomorrow. Hugs.


Unknown said...

Looking forward to sun again. A back up sump pump sounds like a good idea. We are still doing okay here but it is so gloomy and rainy. Have a road to get out so will probably go to Cincy on Easter. Coming right back home same day though.

Yobeeone said...

My grandma's basement used to flood all the time. The record level was 4' of water. Took forever to get it out.

That's excellent that you have a pump in yours! I'm with you, I'd have a backup just in case. You know how Murphy and his irritating law can be. ::] Hope you woke up to sunshine! :]