Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday 5/12/08

The sun is shining and it looks like a great day. The rain is past thank goodness. I think it rained all day yesterday, but I had a nice Mother's Day any way. We went to Mass that our one grandson served and then went out to breakfast and then came home and had a nice afternoon and then we went over our son's for dinner. It was so nice and all the kids were so well behaved and the steaks were so good that we had for dinner and cheese cake for dessert. The whole evening was nice. They gave me this huge hanging planter that's beautiful. Our daughter gave me a gift certificate for my favorite place to eat too. Terry gave me all my flowers he helped me plant and then a dozen roses too. All in all I had a wonderful Mother's Day and early this morning Alan left to go home so Terry and I are taking it easy today and are doing some catching up on our reading.