Monday, May 19, 2008

What a weekend. Saturday we went over, no that on was Friday that we went over to see Jonathan after his surgery. We actually meet them for late lunch early dinner. Jonathan had a patch on his eye and looked tired but he ate pretty much cause he wasn't allowed to eat since the nite before and this was about 3 in the afternoon. After we ate we stopped back at their house and got to see all the rest of the kids. It was a nice afternoon. The doctors are hopeful that he will have better vision in his eye but we still don't know yet. He goes back to the doctor today and as of today his eye is still a bit blurry.
I guess Saturday we did nothing and yesterday we went 45 miles north near Kings Island (near our old house) to watch our one grandson, Jared play a double header baseball game. Won one, lost one, but I can't remember being that cold in a long time. It was very windy and very cold out yesterday and I about froze my tush off. Afterward we meet our old neighbors for dinner since we were so close to them and that was great. It was so nice to see them. It had been way to long since we'd seen them. We got home just in time for me to watch Desperate Housewife's and the news and then I tried reading for a while but was too sleepy and couldn't do it. All that wind and cold really must have taken it out of both Terry and I cause we didn't wake up till almost noon today. Shame on us. I just took my walk and had to cut it short as it started raining. I'm sick of cold and rain. What happened to SPRING??? I want it back.


Unknown said...

I am looking for spring too! I would never have believed I would have to be wearing a jacket this time of year. Hope the grandson has improved vision soon.

Yobeeone said...

And I'm sitting here with cold little fingers typing and longing for heat. I want Spring!!!

PS: Thanks for mentioning King's Island! I have fond memories of that place! :]