Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday May 21st

Yesterday Terry and I did a little shopping around and went to the library. The lady at the library was such a help to both of us. She made a copy of all the James Patterson Books, so that now I won't have to keep asking them which book comes next in a series as I have them all on this sheet of papers. All his books and all the different series that he's written so far, so I can check off and keep track of the ones I've already read. She did the same thing for Terry for 2 of his favorite authors. No one has every offered to do that before and we really thought that was nice of her. This is at our new and huge main library and we are really loving it. Next we stopped up the shopping center so I could get a Vera Bradley Hipster purse to match my wallet and glass case I got for Christmas, so I can carry it across my shoulder. I hate carrying purses with my cane, sometimes it's just too much so this was part of my Mother's Day present. Next we went to Sam's to look at a patio set. We found one we loved, now we just have to find someone to take our picnic table. The picnic table is nice, but I really wanted a table with chairs that I could just come out and sit in and didn't have to swing my leg over, which is hard for me to do. I'll take a picture once we get it set up. Next we met our friends for dinner, over in Cincinnati, so we had a full day. We got home just in time for me to watch American Idol. I'm hoping the young David wins. I like his type of singing better than David Cooks. David Cooks is really good though. Then I watched the finals of Dancing w/ the Stars and I was glad to see that Kristie won that. I've always like her, even when she skated.

Today I'm doing laundry and going to the grocery, going for a walk and a few other things too. Might even stop back up the library as they ordered some books for Terry, so I'll probably pick them up while I'm out. Glad these places are all close. Looks like we're finally going to have some sunny days for a change. I just might sit outside and read. Hugs to all.


Unknown said...

It is so nice to hear what you and Terry get to do. I wish our retirement was as nice. Afraid we can't afford to eat out and buy patio stuff. We are happy though, counting my blessings.I just go to my local library which is pretty small. They get me anything I want though from the big library.

Yobeeone said...

That's really cool about the librarian! I didn't know they'd do that!

I know how you feel about the purse and a cane. Royal pain at times. When I was having to use my cane all the time I used a day pack. It was a nuisance to take off and my cane always hit the floor, but for walking it worked great. :]

You made my leg hurt when you mentioned swinging yours over the bench. Hope it doesn't stress your body too much. I guess you could always sit with your back to the table and make people think you're mad at them. lol