Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's sort of dreary out today, not like yesterday which was sunny and nice all day. We've got light rain it looks like all day too. Oh well guess it's a good day to do what I'm doing. Run the sweeper. The house really needs it as I've sort of neglected it this past week or so since I wasn't feeling the best, but today I'm doing it. Can't stand the little fuzzy things I see on the floor any longer. lol. Patti wanted me to do something with her today but I bowed out and said no that I had to catch up on my house work. She said she really did to since she is off today. I'm glad Terry is feeling better cause he's out of my way and downstairs doing something light but at least he's not in my way. Well off to finish my sweeping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went out with hubby to do a little grocery shopping today and that is about it. I have been so sleepy today for some reason or other. Glad you are feeling well enough to sweep!Heaven forbid the fuzzy things.